use LWP::Simple; if ($#ARGV != 2) { die("usage: perl URL pattern hits\n"); } $linkMax = 50; push(@urlstodo, $ARGV[0]); $pattern = $ARGV[1]; $hitmax = $ARGV[2]; while ($hits < $hitmax and $#urlstodo > -1) { $linksChecked++; if ($linksChecked % 10 == 0) { print(STDERR "Checked: $linksChecked\n"); } $theURL = pop(@urlstodo); push(@done, $theURL); $mycontent = get($theURL); if ($mycontent) { @lines = split(/\n/, $mycontent); foreach $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /$pattern/) { print("$theURL:\t$line\n\n"); $hits++; } if ($line =~ s/^.*(href|HREF)="([^"]+\.html?)".*$/\2/) { addURL($theURL, $line); } } } } #adds the url to the list of urls if it's not already there and hasn't already #been checked. sub addURL { my($url); if ($#urlstodo < $linkMax) { my($prefix) = shift(); my($suffix) = shift(); if ($suffix !~ /^http/) { if ($prefix =~ /\/$/) { $suffix = $prefix . $suffix; } else { $suffix = $prefix . "/" . $suffix; } } foreach $url (@done) { if ($suffix eq $url) { return(); } } foreach $url (@urlstodo) { if ($suffix eq $url) { return(); } } push(@urlstodo, $suffix); } }